LMS if you cool B)

Well my name be Boriz and when i get bored i destroy planets lol. Nahh but seriously, have you heard of Pluto lately ? No? Exactly. "jnhtgrf"<== Angela's words of wisdom.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


veryone has goals in their life. Maybe you want to go to college, maybe you want to become famous, maybe you want to find your soul mate. Well, let me tell you: any of that is possible, if you Choose the Right. That’s correct, if you choose the right, anything you want in life is within reach. Let me explain to you how: Good things happen to good people. If you notice, CTR champions are the most successful people you will ever meet. You don’t meet someone who has done good all their life and is miserable.
Choose the right
First of all, let us discuss, what is a “CTR champion”? Well, it’s all in the name: Someone who always chooses the right. Here is how you can become a CTR champion
·         Never lie; ALWAYS be honest
·         Do not drink alcohol
·         Do not consume drugs
·         Do not smoke
·         Be courteous to others
·         Do not use vulgar language
·         If you are a student- Always do your assigned work, do not put anything before school.
“Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right, even if no one is doing it.”

Always remember: it doesn’t matter how badly you messed up in the past, life is full of second chances, and it is never too late to turn your life around for the better. Many people may think that their past is stopping them from having a better future; but all they need is to realize that they can change, and if it is truly their dream, they can achieve it. Never give up. The only thing stopping you from reaching your goal is yourself. You are in charge of your own future and your own life. Anything is possible, if you….

Choose The Right!!!!!!

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