LMS if you cool B)

Well my name be Boriz and when i get bored i destroy planets lol. Nahh but seriously, have you heard of Pluto lately ? No? Exactly. "jnhtgrf"<== Angela's words of wisdom.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon."
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton
I think this is a wonderful statement. Elizabeth Cady Stanton used the literary device of metaphor to compare truth with safe ground. I think that was an exceptionally wise choice, since in the real world, truth really is the only thing you can depend on.

Attention to Detail 7 of 10

Attention to Detail
7 of 10
When you double-check your calculations for a math problem or cite sources carefully in a research paper, you’re paying close attention to detail. That skill comes in handy in any workplace, whether you maintain a database, keep log of the hours you spend with clients or write e-mails.
John Wooden, UCLA’s former great basketball coach who lead his teams to ten consecutive national championships, was asked what he attributed his success to. Among a number of things, he mentioned that paying attention to details was one of the most important qualities for successful coaching and for high achievement in any worthwhile pursuit. He even paid attention to how his players would lace up and tie their shoe strings. If they didn’t tie them correctly, he would teach them how.
Details may be small things but from small things come great things; therefore, pay attention to details and you will experience substantial progress in your overall educational attainment.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cool Under Pressure 6 of 10

Cool Under Pressure
6 of 10
Very few students enjoy taking tests. Yet functioning well under pressure is crucial to your future success. Try thinking of the pressure of testing as practice for the work world’s own explosive situations. You could someday find yourself meeting tight deadlines, speaking with irate customers, wielding a scalpel or handling dangerous chemicals.
The vest way to curtail pressure and to even eliminate it is to prepare. Applying the motto “Be Prepared” holds true first time and every time. Prepare for the test, and you won’t worry about it. In fact, it will be your chance to shine, to reveal the hard work you have put into preparing for the test. You will be rewarded for the effort you have thrust into your studies. Preparation removes fear. When you are prepared, you will not fear. Preparation helps you maintain your cool under pressure. Preparation generates energy and enthusiasm; therefore, prepare and your coolness under pressure is sure to abound


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable."
-Peter F. Drucker
A somewhat puzzling quote from Peter f. drucker, this statement is one i can associate with "Do it 100%, or don't do it at all." I think this quote means that you should not just dip your foot, but dive in (to goodness, that is).

Initiative - 5 out of 10

5 out of 10
Initiative is creativity, inventiveness originality, ingenuity, imagination. Every time you respond in class, every time you choose your own research topic, every time you put together your own interpretation of a piece of literature, you take initiative. And future employers value can-do professionals who come up with new ideas and chart their own course through projects, employees who are self-reliant. Self-reliant people are self-starters who don’t procrastinate on getting the job done. They know what is required to do and do it. They don’t wait to be told many times. Succeeding in high school, college, and in the career world is taking the initiative.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Student Success Statement

"To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage."
Confucius was a very wise and enlightened man. He spread his philosophy through psalms, such as this one. No matter what it was, it always seemed that Confucius had the right idea on it. Why was that? Because he was a man of honor, and he always did what was right.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Always do Right" - Mark Twain
I think this statement is short and to the point. No fancy wording, no puns, just a self-explanatory 3-word statement. Three words that should be heeded at all times. Always do right.

Online Learning Part 2

          Online Learning
Part 2
More Tips
Finally, look beyond the article for more clues.
·         Read the website’s home page and the About Us page. Look for a mission statement to learn more about the site its purpose and the organization sponsoring it.
·         If there is an author listed, look for a biography that discusses the author’s education, profession and other relevant background. If there is no bio on the site, search for one elsewhere on the Web.
·         Check the date. Facts can change overtime, so see if the site shows when it was last updated.
·         Presentation counts; look at everything from design to spelling. A clean, well –organized site shows a certain degree of professionalism.
·         Avoid sites that are pornographic, vulgar, inappropriate, below par, suggestive , and falsifying.

Choose the right

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Gold medals don't make champions, hard work does"
This is a short but true statement. Anyone can hold up a gold medal and call themselves champion. But are they really? What really makes a champion is hard work, sportsmanship and morals. If someone lacks any of these, they do not deserve the title "Champion". Only until you have developed your character to the maximum of its capacity can you truly be called "Champion"

Online Learning Part 1

Online Learning
Part 1
Make a judgment about the site’s reliability based on your own analysis of the site and the information it contains. Here are some ways to do this:
·         Look for facts you know or can check with a trusted source. If the site gets those facts right, it’s more likely that the other facts on the site are also accurate.
·         Study the language used. Is it angry, satiric or overly impassioned? This may indicate that the site is biased.
·         Consider whether the arguments are logical and backed up by evidence, and whether the site presents only one point of view.
·         Check the links to the sources that the author acknowledges. Scholarly writing, whether in print or online, should include a bibliography.
Choose the Right!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Student Success Statement

"The right way is not always the popular way, or the easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character."
-Margaret Chase Smith

It’s online, but is it on target? PART 3

It’s online, but is it on target?
Look at the site’s address. What follows the dot?
·         Dot-com: is not only for businesses; anyone can use it. Dot-coms include well-known and respected companies, but also private individuals.
·         Dot-org usually indicates a not-for-profit organization. Many dot-orgs present unbiased information, but others have political agendas, focus on debatable issues instead of facts, and might not present all sides of an argument.
·         Dot-gov indicates a government website at the federal, state or local level. The federal government is a good source of statistics, and its sites are widely considered among the most reliable.
·         Dot-mil is used by sites that are part of the military.
·         Dot-edu usually indicates a university website. While its published research is generally considered very trustworthy, anyone associated with the university, whether a wide-renowned scholar or freshman, can be given space on its server. Professors sometimes put student course work up on the web, but that doesn’t mean they’re vouching for the information’s accuracy.

Friday, May 3, 2013

It’s online, but is it on target?

It’s online, but is it on target?
Part 1
Using the Web Wisely
Thanks to the web, information is easy to find. However, it’s also easy to post something online. Anyone can do it.
You've probably used the internet to do research for a paper, to help you decide which product to buy, or to form an opinion about current events. Looking up information online is fast and convenient. But when you do online research, it’s important to find sites you can trust. Many websites claim to have the facts, but are full of errors. Others present information in a biased way- they only give one side of an argument. How can you tell a reliable source from an unreliable one? Also, it is critical that you post online only that which is descent and appropriate, never anything pornographic, vulgar, indecent, out of taste, untruthful, or obscene. Post those things that will make a good name for you and your organization, that will promote good will and be of benefit to the world.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Student Success Statement

"When an Archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bulls-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself."
-Gilbert Arland
What a magnificently stated and very true statement. If you receive an "F" on your report card, it is not the classroom's fault, nor the teacher's, nor the report card's, but your own. You chose the wrong, you showed up late, you didn't complete your assignments, so on and so forth. If you want to improve your grade, improve yourself. Ask the teacher if any extra credit assignments are available. Ask if you could do make up work. Stay after school for tutoring if needed. Don't blame the teacher for your bad grade, blame you poor habits.